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The 80/20 Rule

May 16, 2013

I read this post the other day at work and liked it a lot because I agree with it(well, mostly) and I am definitely guilty of concerning myself with the 80% that isn’t so important instead of focusing on the 20% that is.

Overanalyzing is unnecessary and typically will bring more harm than good. The only thing I have to add to this rule is that it is good to slow down/stop and think about things every once in a while instead of just going through the motions all of the time. But just thinking intelligently, not concerning yourself too intensely or overreacting as a result. The 80/20 is applicable in many other aspects of life besides weightlifting as well, but I like that article’s take of the 80/20 the best.

An interesting perspective on the 80/20 rule, with a somewhat altered meaning, referencing relationships and cheating:

Why We Cheat: The 80/20 Rule

In business/sales (I think this is slightly less accurate but still useful)

Making the 80/20 Rule work for you


My definitions & applications regarding:

General: You should spend 80% of your time focusing on the 20% that’s most important/relevant to you. (However, incorporate the concept of balance as well, depending on the situation and your goals)

Health/fitness: I have nothing to add to the first article by

Relationships: Do you like your boyfriend/girlfriend for who they are, do you both love each other, and do they make you happy are all parts of the critical 20%. Do you spend most of your time thinking about those things, and the redeeming qualities of the person your with?
Or do you catch yourself hung up on the less relevant 80%, such as little things they do that annoy you, difference in opinions or preferences, how much of their time they do or don’t give up to spend with you, whether your friends and family like them, etc.

View of Self: Do you think about the 20% of your characteristics you don’t like 80% of the time? That’s not very proactive, and your likely to think less of yourself and cripple your ability to improve those aspects of your life. I think it’s important not to dwell on things, only think about them enough to understand how to improve them and put that into action.

Career path/work/free time: I think you are more likely to experience a higher degree of success if you spend 80% of your time devoted to the 20% that represents what you are passionate about or best at. That being said, balance in life is important to keep in mind

Religion/morals: don’t feel bad about the 80% of your failings (don’t get me wrong I think trying to improve them is great). Instead, be encouraged by the most important things or get determined to do better about them. Basically, love people, and God if you believe in him, don’t get discouraged by your lack of perfection or from not doing the right thing, just make a note to do better next time.

Friendship: Focus on the important 20%, do you have each others backs and do you like and respect your friend for who they are.

Conclusion: the 80/20 rule is not an absolute to live by but a good idea to keep in mind. When your displeased with something, take a step back and recognize if its the less relevant 80% or not that’s the problem.
-when I get a massage I wish they’d focus on my back and shoulders, the 20% that feels the most bomb..

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